and no need to go take test hahaha..
but must go for my cca competition.....
which is today ....... lol
the competition took place at the science center ...
like WAT i stay so far........
thought can sleep for awhile longer at home but cannot...
make me wake up so early
but nvm at there can relax hahah...
starting i was like very excited
but after a while i get a little bored...
cause at the start of the competition
everyone who are taking part must not have a
Phone, PSP or any Bluetooth devices with them
and if they catch u using any of the devices the team will be dissqualify...
like WTH la some more no one can go out while the competition started ....
only until break time than can go out and break time is like 1pm+..... lol
but i think my team will not get in the final...
cause everything is like last min work......
and some more the robot's like shit.......
plus everyone like freaking tired so nvm hahah....
but i like about today is that i can run away from exam hahaha.
JK end up must take test on next monday............... hahahah
Kk that all haha....
by the way here are some pic i took on that day haha....