today i like dam xiao....
went to downtown arcade there
and spent about $30+ on a freaking game......
like WTH......
the game i play was call
"BIG SWEET LAND" stupid game hahah......
the reason i play that game was
cause the soft toy like very
Just joking .... hahah....
the real reason was
everyone play like so easy to get the soft toy
so i also went to try hahaha.....
end up never get.... sad waste $30+...
i play until left 2 bar and run out of money...
so i took all the sweet and move away....
after i move away a lady went to sit down
and start playing...
she just put in $3 and play...
after that she got the soft toy...
dam angry sia but no choice
who ask me to go play that stupid game.....
lol.....Life Is So Unfair....hahaha
by the way i took so pic too hahah...
cause dam angry that i waste $30+ for a big of sweet ...